Goods Receipt Without an Inbound Delivery
A goods receipt without an inbound delivery can occur when material arrives at the receiving dock without reference to an inbound delivery. The goods receipt occurs in IM, and a transfer requirement is created for the movement of the material into the warehouse.
Goods Receipt in IM
Goods receipts relevant to a warehouse management system can be produced by the arrival of material at the plant from a purchase order with a vendor. A goods receipt can be defined as a company’s formal acceptance that materials were received from a vendor against a purchase order. Once the material is received and the transaction completed, the value of the material is posted to the general ledger.
A goods receipt without an inbound delivery can occur when material arrives at the receiving dock without reference to an inbound delivery. The goods receipt occurs in IM, and a transfer requirement is created for the movement of the material into the warehouse.
Goods Receipt in IM
Goods receipts relevant to a warehouse management system can be produced by the arrival of material at the plant from a purchase order with a vendor. A goods receipt can be defined as a company’s formal acceptance that materials were received from a vendor against a purchase order. Once the material is received and the transaction completed, the value of the material is posted to the general ledger.
Goods Receipt for Purchase Order in IM: Transaction MIGO
Reviewing the Material Documents
After all the relevant details such as storage location, batch number, and so on, have been added to the goods receipt transaction, the goods receipt can be posted. If the goods receipt does not return any error messages, the transaction will post and display the number of the material document for the movement of the material.
After all the relevant details such as storage location, batch number, and so on, have been added to the goods receipt transaction, the goods receipt can be posted. If the goods receipt does not return any error messages, the transaction will post and display the number of the material document for the movement of the material.
Display of Material Document Created by Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
Display of Accounting Document Created as Part of Goods Receipt of Purchase Order
Reviewing Stock Levels after Goods Receipt
Once the goods receipt of the purchase order into inventory is complete, you can perform a stock overview to show the material in stock. To execute the stock overview, use Transaction MMBE.
Once the goods receipt of the purchase order into inventory is complete, you can perform a stock overview to show the material in stock. To execute the stock overview, use Transaction MMBE.
Stock Overview of Material 1157 in All Stock Locations: Transaction MMBE
Displaying the Transfer Requirement
The goods receipt of the material from the purchase order has been receipted into stock, as shown by the material documents and the stock overview program. This information reflects the movement into the stock location relevant to IM, but not the movement relevant to WM.
When the movement into the storage location was made, a transfer requirement was created, as the storage location is warehouse managed. You can find the transfer requirement by using Transaction LB11, which allows for a search of the transfer requirements by material number. To find this transaction, follow the menu path; SAP Menu-Logistics-Logistics Execution-Internal Warehouse
Processes-Transfer Requirement-Display-For Material.
The goods receipt of the material from the purchase order has been receipted into stock, as shown by the material documents and the stock overview program. This information reflects the movement into the stock location relevant to IM, but not the movement relevant to WM.
When the movement into the storage location was made, a transfer requirement was created, as the storage location is warehouse managed. You can find the transfer requirement by using Transaction LB11, which allows for a search of the transfer requirements by material number. To find this transaction, follow the menu path; SAP Menu-Logistics-Logistics Execution-Internal Warehouse
Processes-Transfer Requirement-Display-For Material.
Display of Transfer Requirements for Single Material: Transaction LB11
Display of Transfer Requirement Resulting from Search Criteria: Transaction LB11
Now that we have identified the transfer requirement, we can convert it to a transfer order. There are two ways to do this. You can create a transfer order in the foreground or the background.
To convert to a transfer order in the foreground, click the TO in Foreground button or press (Ctrl)+(Shift)+(F8). You can also create the transfer order by selecting Environment TO in Foreground.
Conversion of Transfer Requirement to Transfer Order: Transaction LB11
Once the transfer order has been posted, the system returns to the display of transfer requirements, as shown in Figure 5.16, and the transfer order number is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Display of Transfer Order Created from Transfer Requirement
Displaying the Transfer Order
You can see the transfer order created by the conversion of the transfer requirement to a transfer order with Transaction LT21 if you know the transfer order number. If just know the material, use Transaction LT24 or follow the menu path; SAP Menu-Logistics-Logistics Execution-Internal Warehouse Processes-Stock Transfer-Display Transfer Order-For Material.
You can see the transfer order created by the conversion of the transfer requirement to a transfer order with Transaction LT21 if you know the transfer order number. If just know the material, use Transaction LT24 or follow the menu path; SAP Menu-Logistics-Logistics Execution-Internal Warehouse Processes-Stock Transfer-Display Transfer Order-For Material.
Initial Screen for Displaying a Transfer Order by Material Number: Transaction LT24
Display of Transfer Orders Available from Selection Criteria: Transaction LT24
Material being transferred from Source Bin to Destination Bin and the Transfer Order confirmed, finally.
[Document is created taking assistance from the SAP Press WM Book]
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