Wednesday, January 18, 2017

PM-MM Integration, PM Order Change Tracing (Define Change Docs, Collective Purc req. Indicator, Operation No. Interval)


In the configuration level of PM Module we can integrate PM with Material Management (MM) Module for required output. Some vital integration point like; collective material requisition, reservation/requisition creation time, material status change document, purchase order change, net price from requisition to purchase order can be controlled from the settings here. Besides, PM order status change document, operation status change document, PRT status change document can be found through the settings provided here. So, this screen is very powerful, in brief.

Fig1: Go to the menu path as given in the picture OR use Tcode OIOE for entering the intended screen.

 Fig2: Now find out your desired PM order and see the options that need you according to your business.

MatStatChangDoc–: Status change document active for materials: Indicator which specifies that every change in the status of a material component is to be recorded in a document.

Increment:  This is the default operation increment.

OrdStChgDc- Order Status Change Doc: This collects change documents for any order status changes.  This is one of my personal favorites because it allows you to know when an order was changed from created to released, released to TECO and so on.

CollReqstn:  Use this flag if you want a collective purchase requisition for all the items that require a purchase req.

Res/PurRq:  This setting determines when the purchase req is created.  Never, After release or immediately.  Personally, I tend to go from (2), because I don’t want a purchase req generated until the service order is released.

PDC active:  allows data to be exchanged with a PDC system.

Workflow: Indicator for purchase order change.

Change Document:  This turns on the change documents for the service order.  Most fields can be tracked for any changes if you check this box.

Net Order Price: Copy net price from requisition to purchase order.

OpStatChangDoc: Status change documents active for operations.  If you want to track down to the next level of status changes, check this box.

PRTStatChangDc:  Same as above, but down another level to the PRT.

In concise, these boxes are so powerful for a controlled PM order. So you should get the best output from SAP, using these boxes according to your need.

                                                                        Happy Learning